Is this a Members Only pool?

Yes, see our Membership page for more information on how to join.

Can I pay a one-time fee to come to the pool?

No. Only our members and their guests are permitted.

May we bring guests?

Yes, we have a new policy that grants 10 guest passes per year if you pay for your membership before the pool opens.  Otherwise, we sell them in packs of 10 for $30 with your membership.  However, they must be purchased online, we cannot sell them at the door.

What about sitters for my children that may bring them to the pool?

We have a sitter pass that can be purchased with your membership dues.

How long do we have to sit out after thunder and/or lightning?

Per the National Lightning Safety Institute, 30 minutes.  The guards will announce both the egress from the pool and when it is safe to go back in.  http://lightningsafety.com/nlsi_pls/swimming_pools.html

Do you have Concessions?

Absolutely, we have a variety of Coke products, chips, hot pretzels, ice cream and our ever-popular frozen ice sticks.

When is the pool season?

We open every year Memorial Day weekend (last Saturday in May) and continue through Labor Day (First Monday in September)

May reserve a time for a private party?

Yes, Sunday evenings we close the pool early for private parties.  It is on a first pay- first serve basis (see private parties page).