Last call for City Meet

Hi Shark families,

The 2021 Bill Caulkins City Meet that will be held on Friday, July 9th and Saturday, July 10th. This is the concluding championship meet for CASL League. All CASL teams across all 3 divisions will be present at this meet. This year the meet will be held at the Ft. Oglethorpe Pool which is located at 19 Van Cleave St. Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742.

This is by far the best meet of the season! It is run very similar to a USA Swimming meet format with the CASL events. (There is an addition of a 50 Free for younger kids and 100 yd free for the older kids.)

10 and under swimmers compete in the morning, and 12 and overs swim during a midday session. 6 and under are ONLY on Saturday. The top 16 in each event return in the evening for finals. Attached is the meet information sheet from the host team. (Note: All City Meet fees are covered through your season registration. No additional money is due.)

Each swimmer may swim up to 5 individual events and 2 relays. This is a great time to try events that you may not get to swim at a dual meet, plus there are additional, longer events. The coaches will select the remaining events and build relays. There will be multiple relays per age groups where numbers permit.

Please declare on the website for both days of City Meet whether your swimmer will or will not be attending City Meet in any combination of days.Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 30th is the FINAL day to declare. Please double check that you have declared your swimmer!

Go Sharks!